Lightweight Ballistic Bulletproof Plate – LEVEL IV Protection | Lab Tested by NIJ-Certified Facility (NTS) | 10x12 SAPI Cut
Military Depot
The Alpha Plate is an ultralight, Level III plate. The Alpha Plate offers NIJ 0101.06 Level III protection at 3.3lbs and $249. It is the best-value, ultralight, level III rifle-resistant plate on the market.
When is this the right plate? Thinks that this is the perfect plate for people who will see active-shooter situations often. While our ceramic plate offers great protection, some customers need to wear their plates so often that they want the lightest thing possible. These folks will want the Alpha Plate.
This Ballistic Plate is a Standard Size The Ballistic Plate fits securely in the pocket of the Medium-4X Bulletproof Vests. It is a little bit too thick to fit in the Small Size vest. It also fits in most standard plate carriers. It is 11 7/8 inches tall, 10 inches across, and 1.0 inches in depth. It is curved to fit close to your body, and features a nylon cover that protects it from the sun and typical wear and tear.
Is this the best Lightweight Ballistic Plate on the market? Yes, not only is it within 1 lb. of the lightest plates, it is far less expensive than anything comparable.
How many Ballistic Plates should I buy? It depends on how much protection you desire. SWAT teams and those who expect to be shot at from the front wear one ballistic plate in the chest pocket. Those who are in warzones wear two ballistic plates: one in the front pocket, and one in back. Analyze your unique situation to decide on how many plates you will need.
What is the protection level of this plate? The Alpha Plate meets the ballistic requirements of NIJ 0101.06 Level III. It will stop 6 steel jacketed rounds from a 7.62mm M80 with a mass of 9.6g and a velocity of 2780 ft/s. We should note that this plate will also stop rounds from ARs and AKs which are slower and lighter than this. This protection level is perfect for people who are concerned about active shooter situations and need rifle protection.
What is the protection level when used in your vest? This plate was certified alone as level III. With a level IIIA vest behind it we expect improved performance, but cannot say if it will pass the NIJ level IV certification.
How long is the life? This plate is guaranteed to work and stop bullets as promised for five years. After those five years, there is not enough research on the materials used to be 100% sure that the plate will continue to stop bullets as promised. For this reason, the plate has a useful life of 5 years.