Purple Heart Medal Hat/Lapel Pin
The Purple Heart Medal (PH) is a prestigious accolade bestowed on behalf of the President of the United States to honor members of the U.S. military who have sustained injuries or lost their lives in the line of duty. Unlike other military honors, it does not require a "recommendation" from a superior, but rather individuals are eligible based on specific criteria outlined in AR 600-8-22. On March 28, 1973, these criteria were expanded to include injuries sustained in international terrorist attacks against the U.S. and while serving abroad as part of a peacekeeping mission. Additionally, personnel wounded or killed by friendly fire can also receive this award, provided that the injuries were sustained during combat with the intent to harm opposing forces. It is important to note that the Purple Heart is not granted for non-combat injuries, and commanders must consider the level of enemy involvement in the inflicted wound when making the decision to award it.