United States Army and Air Force Expert Field Medical Badge
Criteria: Awarded to medical personnel of the U.S. Army who have successfully completed a set of qualification tests which include both written and performance elements. This badge is the non-combat equivalent of the Combat Medical Badge. According to Army regulations, wearing both the Expert Field Medical Badge and the Combat Medical Badge simultaneously is prohibited. The Combat Medical Badge has precedence according to AR 670-1. Current requirements include successful negotiations of a 100-question written test with a 75% score, the Army Physical Fitness Test, lane testing, weapons qualifications, a four-man litter obstacle course, sick and wounded evacuations, day-and-night land navigation courses, a 12-mile forced road march,, communications/field radio and MEDEVAC request testing, chemical environment survival, emergency medical treatments, and single-person CPR. The Expert Field Medical Badge was created in 1965 and is also authorized for wear by U.S. Air Force medical personnel meeting the same requirements as stated above.
Abbreviation: EFMB